How To: Add a listing

  After you have created your CYF seller account, all you need to do is add a listing! When logged into Check Your Flies Marketplace, hover your mouse over “Products” and select “Product Listing”. Follow the steps below and your listing will soon be live on Check Your flies.


STEP 1: Add a Product Name, Type, Description & Product Tags

Product Type: Select a product type from the drop down menu

Product Description: Be as detailed as possible i.e. tips for use, materials etc.

Product Tags: Use as many product tags you would like pertaining to the item.

Add Product- Check Your Flies 

STEP 2: Upload Product Image

Upload Product Image: Add a new photo or upload an existing photo of the item you wish to sell. 

Product Additional Details (Optional): A product Meta Field is how a search engine finds and organizes an image. This helps your product show up higher in google  image or a keyword search results, as well as a description when hovered over in the search engine.

 Product Image - Check Your Flies

 STEP 3: Pricing and Inventory Details

Pricing - Enter price per unit or bulk. Always check the box on ‘charge taxes on this product. Taxes are taken care of on your behalf by CYF.

Inventory Details-  Tracking inventory will let others know your quantity available. This is automatically adjusted after a sale.

 Pricing Details - Add a Listing - Check Your Flies

Pro Tip!

Add a Variant to your product to increase options and selection to interested anglers. Do you build nets or rods and have options for custom artwork,  colors , handles, etc.? That can be added in by creating a variant. Use this option for different fly sizes and colors as well.

 Variant Details- Variants are a way to add multiple options for a single product. Use this for custom options for your product.

Variant Details _ Adding a listing - Check Your Flies
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